Just Ask :-) !!
By admin | August 24, 2015
After several years of being bound to my town and unable
to attend a summercourse with my buddhist chosen family,
this year I have been in Europe Center in Immenstadt, Allgäu.
A wonderful place, happy sunny summer time, some nice rain extras,
two up to seven thousand friends. I enjoyed these days sooo much
and am thinking about a tattoo saying: „Just Ask !“
One of the first days I was sitting at a bench talking to
an old friend, suddenly saying: „Usually I know what people
need by intuition.“ A beautiful woman from Ukraine, which I
didn’t know yet, heard this, looked into my eyes and asked:
„Guess, what do I need ?“
I said: „First of all, you need a squeeze.“ And I shared one.
After that, she told me that she was nearly sleepless since several nights, as she didn’t bring her own tent. Lucky one I am, I had intuitively asked one of my tent neighbors just the day before, if, as he left the place until following weekend, there would be someone in need I could offer his tent… Everything fell in places.
A win-win situation as Tanja is a body healer and offered a very nice treatment for my uptight body, fixed the tent, which wasn’t build up properly, gave what was needed… Perfect world.
The evening I came back home late, I asked myself if this works
in my Düsseldorf village too. With my suitcase and other camping stuff, standing in front of the house I live in, I had a look around.
A young man, only a few steps ahead, taking a phone call:
Waited for a break and asked: „Is it possible, you have a few minutes and a little extra power left, to carry my suitcase up to my fourth floor :-) ?“ Guess ? Yes. He had and with a smile. Got some change although he didnt‘ expect anything. And my happy smile.
Universe is brilliant. Should ask and be asked more often.
And you ?
Best wishes and enjoy your summer, wherever you are :-) !!**
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